Some Things That Won’t Be In Hell — Luke 16:19-31

Some Things That Won’t Be In Hell — Luke 16:19-31

Praise Report:  I have preached the last two Sunday mornings on Hell and we have had 3 people saved and 4 people rededicate their lives to Christ. Praise the Lord for what he is doing in our church.

Intro:  Hell is not a topic that many preachers will address in this modern age that we live in. Most are afraid they will offend somebody. Many people choose not to believe in Hell and many are hesitant to discuss it because it is easier just to ignore it. Choosing to not believe in Hell, and choosing to ignore discussing it, doesn’t change the fact that it does exist. Jesus preached more about Hell while he was here than he did Heaven. The scriptures plainly prove to us that there is a literal fire burning Hell. My prayer is that if you read this message that it will touch your heart like it did mine and if you do not know Christ, that you will accept him into your heart in Salvation.


I. Saviour – Heb. 4:14 — ” He is passed into the Heavens ”

A. You will be eternally separated from God

II. Saved People — John 5:24 ” Shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”

A. Separated from Saved Family Members-  ( mom and dad,  brothers and sisters )

B. Separated from Some Christian Friends

III. Signs of Relief — V. 23 –  ” Lift up his eyes being in Torment ”

A. Place of constant torment

B. Place of continual pain

C. Persistent memory that will remind you of every past opportunity that was rejected — V.25  ” Remember ”

IV. Second Chances — V. 24-31

A. Begged for help — Rich man cried for help but he did not receive any.



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