The Message of Easter — Matthew 28:1-7

The Message of Easter — Matthew 28:1-7

Intro: Each holiday has a message. The message on the 4th of July is our nation’s independence from England. The message of Mother’s Day is all about “Mom.” The message for Father’s Day is all about “Dad.” The message of Christmas is that we celebrate the Birth of Christ. He is the reason for the Season. What is the message of Easter? Our secular world has given us Easter Bunnies, Easter Eggs, Easter Bonnets and Easter Clothes. Is this the message of Easter? Absolutely not. The true message of Easter can be found in the passage that we have read. Note particularly verse number 6. The words ” He is not here: for he is risen as he said.” Easter is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Our entire Christian faith would be in vain if Christ had not risen from the dead. I Corinthians 15:14

In today’s passage the Angel of the Lord provides these ladies with four simple words of instruction that will also assist us in our celebration of Easter.

I. COME – V.6

A. The Angel beckoned them to come inside the tomb for confirmation

B.  The Lord beckons us to come to him for Salvation — Revelation 22:17

C. The Lord beckons us to come to him for Help — Matthew 11:28-30

II. SEE — V.6 — Sometimes when I just “look” at something I don’t really grasp the entire concept of what it is, But when I take the time to really “see” what I am looking at, I understand it much better. I believe the Angel wanted these ladies to really see and grasp the fact that Christ had truly risen from the dead.

A. If we take the time to really see Jesus for who he is and what he can do in our lives, we will become much more aware of how much we really do need him.

III. GO — V.7 — After we “COME” to Christ and “SEE” him for who he really is, we should “GO” and begin a new life with him. The Angel did not want them to sit around looking at an empty tomb. He wanted them to go and live because “He was Risen!!”

A. We should take the message of his resurrection and live a happy, joyous life for Christ, encouraging other disciples.

IV. TELL — V.7 — Once we “COME” to Christ, and “SEE” who he is, and “GO” live for him, it will make us want to “TELL” somebody else about the message of hope.

A. Spreading the Good News of his Salvation plan is what Christ expects from all of his disciples. — Matthew 28:19-20



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