Presence of The Holy Spirit| Christian Praise in Worship| John 14:16-17

Presence of The Holy Spirit| Christian Praise in Worship| John 14:16-17

What It Takes To Make A Great Church

Sermon Series # 4

Presence of the Holy Spirit

John 14:16-17

Jesus had told his disciples that he was leaving. He then gave them some encouragement by telling them that the Comforter would come. He was not going to leave them alone. Last week we saw what he does in the life of an unsaved individual. Today we will look at his ministry in the life of a Christian.

  • I. What the Holy Spirit Doesn’t Portray in Church
  • Confusion – “ God is not the author of confusion “
  • Fear – “ God hath not given us the Spirit of fear “
  • Hatred – “ Fruit of Spirit is Love “ Read Fruits of Spirit in Gal 5
  • II.What the Holy Spirit Does Portray in Church
  • Glorify Christ
  • Guide Us – When He gives direction we should obey- John 16:13

Romans 8:14- “ For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. “ 

  •  III. Teach Us Scriptures – John 14:26
  •  IV. Give Intercession for Us – Romans 8:26
  •  V. Give us an anointing — I Cor. 2:4- “ And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power”
  •  VI. Gives a Fill Up – Ephesians 5:18
  • Quench the Spirit – I Thess. 5:19 – “ Quench not the Spirit”

Sin of not doing what the Spirit would have us to do. The word for quench is the same word used to illustrate putting out a fire.

  • Grieve the Spirit – Eph. 4:30 “ And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God…”

Sin of doing that which the Spirit would Not have us do.



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